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How to earning from sharing links (no investment method)+free strategy for you

    hello, for all of one want make money online and he has 0dollar for making an investment and you can today before this articles generate some dollars but must work some hardly with smartly to get passive income monthly!but don't worry today I gonna share with you one my secret method to get.

money from sharing shorten links with 0dollar investment yes with any investment because you are new in this world and you don't make a full trust in it, maybe you were Fluttered between scam websites but today you are in the right direction before reading all the content of this long article

carefully and with deep vision.

first of all, I wanna show you  What is the mentality that you have to be in order to be able to make money online with getting scammed in this case I want to talk about the websites are scamming

how you can this website is real or scam ok I will let with the full article by clicking on the link below, and today our object is the shorten links strategy......

we hear in this last years a lot of people make money from just sharing a link and I saw people make passive incomes from it yes it shortens links and this way to make money online don't need a website or youtube channel you need just strategy and some smart ideas to make your daily income

 just by sharing links.

now, let us define this method of shortening links: this way to make money online depends on some website where you make you shorten your link and get money depending on the number of people are clicking in your link and skip to go into the file you put it or the website or ......

ok let's start in the expanding first thing what are the best websites to make money from shorten links

this the first point and I make for your new another article I give the list of all the websites of shortening links to make money online but now we focused one website with high payout rates

and this some pictures from the payout rates and dashboard:

highest payout rates

middle payout rates

info-maximum revenue per 1.000 skips is 14.$ and the low review is 3$.

                   and to sing on this website click sing up here:


after signing up and go to your dashboard you said now how can I make money today !!!

now let take for second part of earning is the upload file is very useful and you can earn a lot of money, and this website we use it to upload the WinRAR file and this is  payment proofs and payout rates : 

payout rates:

payment proof:

just follow this steps to being earning from this website  :

register on the upload file website and from the link below 

but don't worry I will give secret strategy to begin making your first bucks just focus on this part because this is the most important part of this article.

I will give 2 ideas can generate from it a lot of money but must be creative to develop it in the future to make more money online.

                          *now let start with the first free strategy *

 We need just facebook fan page and fun facebook groups you can ask but how. don't worry it is simple steps and now what you must do go and make likes for big facebook fan pages and after that go and enjoy a lot of facebook fun groups, ok this is the first steps. 

*Now the second step is going to this fun page and save the fun pictures in your pc after that what you do make it WinRAR file.

*Now we need to upload it to the file to get a link 
now go to this website to upload your WinRAR file and 
this website give 7$ for every 1000 download after that get the 

downloading link and put it in the Shortner link website to make it shorter and after that go to this website:

               * click on the picture to redirect to the website*

* to make it friendly with people because of people don't trust a lot in shortening links, that's ok !!*

*After that go to the facebook fun groups that you enjoyed them 
and share your link and wait for your income now it's not a passive income but as a beginner for you, it's easy and useful.

*let's do some math calculations:
 when you enjoy in 50 fun group and share your link with them and from each group, you get 20 clicks so 20*50=1000.

*you can earn 14$ from shorten the link and 7$ so totally you can earn 21$ from one link and one share. this all steps can do it in just half hour but after some trying imagine some day in this strategy you being make up to 50$ a day.

  * IF you are new and begin trying this strategy by the register in the websites and try to share your links in groups and don't get results tell in the comments or contact by the email '' to give you another strategy for 
                                         *I NEED YOUR OPINION*

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ahmed prs


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